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Friday, 12 February 2016

Rachel Maddow: "As a gay person, I did not feel Bill Clinton had my back."

Courtesy of Real Clear Politics:  

MADDOW: As a self-proclaimed liberal, people talk about the liberal media and they say the whole media is liberal and the whole establishment is liberal, it's not true. If you really are a liberal it's been a long time in this country that you felt that mainstream politics had nothing to say to you. That mainstream politics was just not about you. 

And I look at all the young people, particularly at this Bernie Sanders event. I was 19 in 1992 when Bill Clinton was running on the Democratic side and at the 1992 Republican convention, Pat Buchanan got up there and gave this culture war speech where he basically declared a crusade against minorities and particularly gay people. And as a gay person watching that in 1992 I didn't feel like Bill Clinton had my back. I didn't feel like the Democratic party had my back. 

He was talking about agreeing with Ronald Reagan that government was the problem and all that stuff. If you are a liberal, you are not in the majority in this country and you know it and it always feels that way. 

But this Democratic race with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders campaigning this way against each other, that happened because Bernie Sanders got into this race and all these kids who are enthused about this race, whether or not they're supporting Bernie Sanders directly are never going to feel like mainstream politics isn't about them.

I thought this was an interesting interview.

I have been a liberal my entire life, even though typically my demographic, middle aged white male, is supposedly most often attracted to the conservative mindset.

I guess I did not get the memo.

Anyhow I am often quite aware that there are uniquely American experiences that I will never partake in, nor will I really ever understand them completely.

Being female is one. Being a non-white minority another. And being gay yet another.

So for me the Clinton presidency was full of hope and possibilities, and it seemed to deliver on a great number of promises.

Now I am aware that my experience is by no means universal among my liberal fellow travelers.

So I am interested, these many years later what are YOUR feelings about the Clinton administration.

And secondly does it impact your view of a potential Hillary presidency either positively or negatively?


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