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Friday, 19 February 2016

One of the former Oregon protesters files claim against feds of $666,666,666,666.66 for damages she suffered from "works of the devil."

Shawna Cox
Courtesy of KATU:  

Shawna Cox, one of Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupiers facing federal charges, has filed a court document claiming federal damages from the works of the devil for $666,666,666,666.66. (Oh, well that seems like a reasonable amount.)

The document was filed in US District Court Wednesday, and quickly tossed by a judge who said Cox's claims were "not cognizable in this criminal proceeding and will not be addressed in this case."

The document also accuses the Feds of trying to execute her and the other occupiers.

Well damn, I guess they DO suck at their job then don't they?

Cox also claimed that the Malheur Wildlife Refuge federal employees did not refuse to show up for work out of fear of being shot, but rather because they felt guilty.

I don't know what they are supposed to feel guilty about but it apparently makes sense to this lunatic, but sadly for her not to the judge.


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