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Saturday, 20 February 2016

On releasing the transcripts from her speeches, Hillary essentially says "You first."

I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours.
Courtesy of Politico:  

Hillary Clinton will release transcripts to her paid speeches — just as long as everyone else does too. 

“I am happy to release anything I have when everybody else does the same,” Clinton said during Thursday's Democratic town hall in Nevada, before adding that all other candidates had made paid speeches — including her Democratic rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. 

Yet another Hillary non-scandal for the media to perseverate over.

I find this one even dumber than her e-mail "scandal."

Why, seriously, WHY would anybody release a bunch of transcripts that opposition researchers and right wing media outlets can pore through making mountains out of every molehill, and finding political opportunity in every word?

I would not even think this a legitimate request of say Donald Trump, who has flip flopped his entire career, or Jeb Bush, who I think we all know has said some damaging things behind closed doors, because he also says them in public.

No unless EVERYBODY on both sides volunteers to release transcripts of their speeches, there is NO legitimacy to asking Hillary to do so.


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