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Friday, 26 February 2016

Another mass shooting in America. Gee, it must be a day of the week ending in "y."

Courtesy of CNN: 

A gunman killed three people in shootings that ended at a lawn care company in Kansas on Thursday, authorities said. 

An additional 14 people were injured -- 10 of whom are in critical condition at local hospitals. 

The shooter was also killed by police, bringing the total number of fatalities to four. 

Authorities first got calls about a man shooting from a vehicle in Newton about 5 p.m., the Harvey County Sheriff's Office said. 

Minutes later, there were reports of a shooting at Excel Industries, which makes lawn care equipment in Hesston, Kansas. 

"Everybody says it can't happen here," Walton said. "And here we are. It happened here."

Matt Jarrell, a painter at Excel, told CNN that Cedric Ford -- his co-worker and friend -- is the suspected shooter.

Do people REALLY still say "it can't happen here?"

I mean after a bunch of children are gunned down in their classroom, where is it exactly where gun violence cannot occur?

I guess we are supposed to be relieved that ONLY three people were killed by the gunman in this case, while an additional fourteen ONLY had their bodies torn apart by bullets, leaving them with terrible scars but still alive.

In America that is rapidly become the "best case scenario."

And of course this story will only receive temporary media attention because the shooter was not a terrorist, and therefore not exciting enough to waste too much airtime to cover.

From what I have heard this man, Matt Jarrell, was served with a protection order by his girlfriend and that seems to have been the trigger.

He used an automatic weapon to do the shooting, but also had a handgun in his possession as well.

I don't know yet whether the weapons were legally obtained, but they probably were.

But don't worry folks we will stop hearing about this story probably by as early as tomorrow morning, Just in time to make room for the next horrific shooting to take its place.


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