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Sunday, 31 January 2016

Like a bad case of Herpes, the Cheney family never seems to go away forever.

"No I won't be devouring your children today, but meet my daughter."
Courtesy of Politico: 

Liz Cheney is seeking a return to politics with a run for Wyoming’s lone House seat. 

The elder daughter of former vice president Dick Cheney is ready to announce Monday, the Associated Press first reported Saturday. She filed paperwork with the FEC on Friday to make her candidacy official. 

Liz Cheney ran unsuccessfully for a U.S. Senate seat in 2013, but failed to gain traction among Wyoming’s political establishment. 

In her 2013 race Liz Cheney claimed that she dropped out because of "personal reasons." That is code for "I can't get elected."

I wonder what she thinks has changed this time?

You know in the movies the children of Darth Vader turned to doing good in order to make up for their father's evil ways.

Sadly it appears that real life is nothing like the movies.


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