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Sunday, 24 January 2016

Here is SNL's cold open from last night mocking Sarah Palin and featuring the amazing Tina Fey.

Okay that was awesome!

And you know the truly frightening thing is that if you close your eyes Fey sounds almost EXACTLY like Palin. Except when you look at her she is so much better looking.

Speaking of Palin, and you know she wants us to, Maureen Dowd had a rather interesting article published in the New York Times which explains how Palin has liberated people who are now allowed to openly criticize her without being called "sexist."

Here is a taste of what she wrote:

But when Palin turned out to be utterly unqualified and unintelligible, spouting her own special Yoda-like language, it did not reflect poorly on women as a whole — only on her and John McCain. What the hell were you thinking, Senator? 

Ordinarily, it’s considered sexist to call a woman shrill. But Palin liberated us on that score. She really is shrill. 

Ordinarily, it’s dicey to focus on what a woman in politics is wearing. But again, Palin has freed us up. She sported a cardigan so gaudy and rogue at her Iowa endorsement of Donald Trump (the man who viciously mocked her former running mate’s war record) that we would be remiss not to mention that it was the sartorial reflection of Palin and Trump themselves. 

Ordinarily, you have to tread gingerly in critiquing a working woman on her mothering skills. But Palin’s brawling brood runs so wild around the state she once governed, in a way that is so contrary to her evangelistic, sanctimonious homilies on family values, that it seems only Christian to advise her to study the Obamas to see what exceptional parenting looks like.

I LOVE that last line.

Boy I remember back to the days when damage con-trolls rushed over here to call me a sexist and a misogynist.

I guess I have Sarah Palin to thank for forever undermining their attack strategies.

Yeah, I'm not going to say thank you.


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