Courtesy of the Guardian:
Carly Fiorina has been accused of “ambushing” a group of children, after she ushered pre-schoolers, who were on a field trip to a botanical garden, into an anti-abortion rally in Des Moines.
On Wednesday, the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive embarked on a day of campaigning across Iowa, in an attempt to boost her ailing presidential campaign.
The alleged ambush occurred when Fiorina hosted a “right to life” forum at the Greater Des Moines botanical garden. Entering the rally, before a crowd of about 60 people, she directed around 15 young children towards a makeshift stage.
The problem, one parent said, was that the children’s parents had not given Fiorina permission to have their children sit with her – in front of a huge banner bearing the image of an unborn foetus – while she talked about harvesting organs from aborted babies.
“The kids went there to see the plants,” said Chris Beck, the father of four-year-old Chatham, one of the children Fiorina appeared with. “She ambushed my son’s field trip.”
Okay that is just straight up child abuse in my opinion.
These are preschoolers for God's sake. Telling them about sex, procreation, and the termination of a pregnancy without their parent's permission is WAY over the line.
Clearly Fiorina needed some props for the camera, and did not care one bit if she traumatized these kids while getting her photo-op.
In response to the accusations a Fiorina staff person sent an e-mail saying this:
“We were happy that these children chose to come to Carly’s event with their adult supervisor.”
Yes the kids "chose" to attend a rally that they do not understand anything about, and to hear a strange lady with a weird face lecture them about an election in which they are too young to participate.
Uh huh.

Carly Fiorina has been accused of “ambushing” a group of children, after she ushered pre-schoolers, who were on a field trip to a botanical garden, into an anti-abortion rally in Des Moines.
On Wednesday, the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive embarked on a day of campaigning across Iowa, in an attempt to boost her ailing presidential campaign.
The alleged ambush occurred when Fiorina hosted a “right to life” forum at the Greater Des Moines botanical garden. Entering the rally, before a crowd of about 60 people, she directed around 15 young children towards a makeshift stage.
The problem, one parent said, was that the children’s parents had not given Fiorina permission to have their children sit with her – in front of a huge banner bearing the image of an unborn foetus – while she talked about harvesting organs from aborted babies.
“The kids went there to see the plants,” said Chris Beck, the father of four-year-old Chatham, one of the children Fiorina appeared with. “She ambushed my son’s field trip.”
Okay that is just straight up child abuse in my opinion.
These are preschoolers for God's sake. Telling them about sex, procreation, and the termination of a pregnancy without their parent's permission is WAY over the line.
Clearly Fiorina needed some props for the camera, and did not care one bit if she traumatized these kids while getting her photo-op.
In response to the accusations a Fiorina staff person sent an e-mail saying this:
“We were happy that these children chose to come to Carly’s event with their adult supervisor.”
Yes the kids "chose" to attend a rally that they do not understand anything about, and to hear a strange lady with a weird face lecture them about an election in which they are too young to participate.
Uh huh.