So nice that Palin made sure to stamp each one of these with her SarahPAC logo. After all a grifters gotta grift.
Interestingly enough, seemingly unmoved by Limbaugh's conserv-a-splation, Palin's own supporters are turning away from her in droves since the Trump endorsement:
The above of course are all from Palin's apparently no longer edited Facebook page.
By the way Limbaugh's defense of Palin has also caused some blowback among his ditto-heads:
Shock jock Rush Limbaugh enraged listeners by defending Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump this week. The conservative radio host said Palin was right to ditch the GOP establishment because the establishment had tried to destroy her—and by supporting her, made waves among the conservative hardliners split by Trump’s surging candidacy.
I swear if this keeps up I may just have to end my Netflix subscription because who needs it with all of this going on?
Interestingly enough, seemingly unmoved by Limbaugh's conserv-a-splation, Palin's own supporters are turning away from her in droves since the Trump endorsement:
The above of course are all from Palin's apparently no longer edited Facebook page.
By the way Limbaugh's defense of Palin has also caused some blowback among his ditto-heads:
Shock jock Rush Limbaugh enraged listeners by defending Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump this week. The conservative radio host said Palin was right to ditch the GOP establishment because the establishment had tried to destroy her—and by supporting her, made waves among the conservative hardliners split by Trump’s surging candidacy.
I swear if this keeps up I may just have to end my Netflix subscription because who needs it with all of this going on?