Suzuki Motorcycle launched the Suzuki Gixxer SF in India on April 7. The 155cc Gixxer SF bike was launched in an official event in the capital and has been priced at Rs 83,439 ex-showroom Delhi. Whereas the on-road price in Delhi is Rs 92,596 for Glass Sparkle Black and Pearl Mirage White and Rs 94,238 for Metallic Triton Blue (Special MotoGP Edition).
Suzuki Gixxer SF bike launched in India |
Features of Suzuki Gixxer SF
Every feature of this bike gels well with its sporty and futuristic look. The SEP technology delivers maximum power coupled with a five-speed gearbox, which gives you a smooth performance and strong acceleration.
The robust 154.9cc single-cylinder, air-cooled, two-valve engine delivers 14.8 ps of power at 8,000 rpm and 14 Nm of torque at 6000 rpm. The MotoGP racing street sport bike is an ultra light model with 155cc engine, smart digital meter, aluminium muffler cover and an aerodynamic sports flair. It is available in a range of colours such as Metallic Triton Blue (Special MotoGP Edition), Glass Sparkle Black, Pearl Mirage White.
The specifications include: Type 4 engine -Stroke, 1-Cylinder, electric starter system, carburettor fuel system, telescopic front suspension and swing arm, mono suspension rear suspension, fuel tank capacity 12 litres, battery maintenance is free 12C, 3Ah, brake single disc front break and rear drum break.
The Suzuki Gixxer SF’s on-road price in Mumbai is Rs 97,532 for Glass Sparkle Black and Pearl Mirage White colors, and Rs 99,238 for Metallic Triton Blue (Special MotoGP Edition). Whereas the on-road price in Delhi is Rs 92,596 for Glass Sparkle Black and Pearl Mirage White and Rs 94,238 for Metallic Triton Blue (Special MotoGP Edition).